The Sea Stove

In Recôncavo Baiano, birthplace of the Perene Institute, the Fogão do Mar Project, sponsored by Petrobras, is expanding Perene's main activity in this region, the construction of eco-efficient stoves. More than 1,800 stoves have already been delivered and a further 1,000,000 are expected to be built by the end of 2022, for a total of 2,800 stoves delivered.

ll project actions are carried out in partnership with 14 community leaders from Recôncavo Baiano, covering the regions of Maragogipe, Cachoeira, Enseada, São Roque do Paraguaçu, Buri, Porto da Pedra, Guaí, Capanema, Jirau Grande, Quizanga, Samambaia , Dendê, Coqueiros, Nagé, Santiago do Iguape and São Francisco do Iguapé.

The eco-efficient stove was developed by Perene, following the principles of the “Rocket Stove” model, by the specialist in improved combustion technologies, the American Dr. Larry Winiarski (1940-2021). The model needs less wood to produce the flames and the heating time can reach half that achieved in a rudimentary stove.

With this dynamic, the use of eco-efficient stoves reduces the interference in the local ecosystem for the removal of firewood and reduces the emission of polluting gases. The benefits to the environment are aligned with the improvement of the quality of life of families, who start to cook without excessive smoke harmful to health and well-being. 

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WhatsApp Image 2022-06-05 at 10.20.45
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Conservation of the Atlantic Forest

The project also disseminates the concepts of environmental conservation, through actions in communities aimed at preserving the Atlantic Forest. At the Reserva do Paraguaçu, located in the municipality of Maragogipe (BA), tree seedlings are prepared to carry out these actions. About 10,000 seedlings will be distributed by the end of 2022.