Efficient + Stoves

It is carried out in the states of Tocantins and Bahia, through a Financial Cooperation Agreement with Caixa, it is enabling an increasing dissemination of the main action of the Perene Institute, the replacement of rudimentary wood stoves with eco-efficient stoves. 

The project will deliver 7,000 stoves to rural communities. 

The eco-efficient stove was developed by Perene, following the principles of the “Rocket Stove” model, by the specialist in improved combustion technologies, the American Dr. Larry Winiarski (1940-2021). The model needs less firewood to produce the flames, and the heating time can be up to half that of a rudimentary stove.

With this dynamic, the use of eco-efficient stoves reduces the interference in the local ecosystem for the removal of firewood and reduces the emission of polluting gases. The benefits to the environment are aligned with the improvement of the quality of life of families, who start to cook without excessive smoke harmful to health and well-being.

Cerrado conservation

To promote an even greater socio-environmental impact, the project is also implementing agroforestry backyards. A form of land use that combines, in the same area, four types of crops to associate food production and forest preservation. 

Agroforestry backyards are a viable solution for family farming to develop in harmony with nature. This system diversifies the species that can be used as a source of income in a mechanism that contributes to the conservation of the environment. The project's goal is to create 1,000 agroforestry backyards.